Beautiful bird feather

Our Mission

We work to protect and enhance the natural environment by engaging people in urban, peri-urban and regional settings to plant and augment native vegetation that supports endangered pollinators, sustainability and biodiversity.

PlantingSeeds is supported by major organisations including The NSW Department of Education, CSIRO's Atlas of Living Australia, The Environmental and Zoo Education Centres (EZEC), The Institute for Sustainable Futures at the University of Technology Sydney, the Australian Association for Environmental Education, The Australian Museum, Indigigrow, WaterUps, Museum of Arts and Applied Sciences (MAAS), CEA CAPA, The Landscape Foundation of Australia, Community Greening, Make It Happen!, K & L Gates and multiple local councils throughout Australia including City of Ryde, City of Melbourne and Moreton Bay Regional Council. 

Knowledge is power, and here at PlantingSeeds, we understand this - which is why environmental sustainability education is an integral part of our program. We provide such education, to give people the tools they need to support and work toward a sustainable ecosystem. PlantingSeeds takes a holistic approach towards biodiversity and sustainability, where education and practical initiatives go hand-in-hand to support pollinator conservation and environmental protection. Both educational and practical initiatives contribute to these outcomes.

PlantingSeeds Projects is registered with the ACNC
and is also on the Register of Environmental Organisations

As such, all required reporting is up to date and can be accessed publicly through the ACNC.