What our clients have to say
Read about the experiences of previous PlantingSeeds & B&B Highway participants

Observatory Hill EEC, NSW
Observatory Hill Environmental Education Centre (a specialised school within the Department of Education) has worked with Planting Seed’s B&B Highway project for many years. This sustainability initiative aims to make our cities sanctuaries for people and pollinators.
The project provides strong links to many K-10 syllabus outcomes, particularly Science, Geography and the Sustainability Cross Curriculum Priority. The S2 Science and Technology syllabus for example, in the topic of Living Things, describes how living things depend on each other and specifically lists bees and flowers.
The project involves retrofitting existing school gardens to increase biodiversity and the establishment of a school native stingless beehive.
Students involved in the project learnt about the importance of pollinator species through a series of incursion science lesson and engaging hands-on activities. They also took part in an ongoing citizen science project by monitoring the school’s native bee (and other pollinator) populations, thereby contributing to a state-wide pollinator data base.
Observatory Hill EEC partnered with Planting Seeds, through the B&B Highway Project, to deliver the program at Crown St PS, Darlinghurst PS, Glenmore Rd PS, Newtown Nth PS and Paddington PS. Teacher and student feedback was overwhelmingly positive. I thoroughly recommend the B&B Highway Project as an excellent way to inspire and teach student about the importance of pollinators in our everyday lives.

A W Edwards
I am writing to express my sincere appreciation for the invaluable partnership between A W Edwards and the PlantingSeeds organisation, specifically their B&B Highway program. Our collaboration with PlantingSeeds has been nothing short of transformative, fostering an environment of learning, sustainability, and community engagement within our organisation.
A W Edwards has long been committed to environmental conservation and sustainable practices. Our engagement with PlantingSeeds and its B&B Highway program has significantly enhanced our efforts in this regard.
The PlantingSeeds team's have given our team invaluable knowledge and skills that are not only essential for our industry but will also make a positive impact on the environment. The B&B Highway program has enabled our staff to understand the intricate balance of nature, the significance of regeneration, and the power of citizen science.
The impact of this collaboration is evident in our team's heightened awareness of environmental issues and their proactive involvement in community projects related to biodiversity conservation. PlantingSeeds' innovative approach to education has inspired our staff, creating a ripple effect of positive change both within our organisation and in the communities we serve.
We are grateful to PlantingSeeds for their unwavering support, guidance and dedication to environmental education which aligns with A W Edwards' values, and together, we are sowing the seeds of knowledge, sustainability, and community enrichment.
I wholeheartedly recommend PlantingSeeds and their B&B Highway program to any organisation seeking to make a meaningful difference in the world while nurturing the skills and passion of their staff.

Catherine McAuley College
Last week our VCE Environmental Science students were able to put theory into practice, joining forces with the PlantingSeeds B&B Highway program. This had students planting native pollinators and building solitary bee homes in a previously sparse area of the St Mary’s Campus of Catherine McAuley College Bendigo. Through this initiative, students learned about biodiversity, habitat regeneration and native urban pollinator corridors.
On behalf of the College, we thank the presenters Tyler and Rachel, who were informative and inspiring for our students. This hands-on experience beautifully aligned with our Environmental Science curriculum, particularly in the area of ‘Managing Food and Water Security’, while also reinforcing our school’s commitment to sustainability through our reGEN program.

Telopea Public School
The B&B Highway program was a huge success at our school. In the weeks after our last B&B Highway lesson, our Stage 3 students are still observing and discussing pollinators and habitats. They are continuing to nurture their native plants and putting into action all of the learning that took place over the 4 lessons. All lessons were informative, interesting and interactive, ensuring that students were engaged - and they were! We didn’t want lessons to end! Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us Nicole, Ella and Emily!
I am a classroom teacher at Telopea Public School with a special interest in gardening. I have been the specialist gardening teacher, looking after the Edible Garden for 2 years and running weekly lessons for students from Stage 1 to Stage 3. Students really enjoy being in the garden helping to grow fruits and vegetables and surprisingly the most requested activity is weeding! Gardening is definitely the highlight of their week! We learn about composting, worm farming, soil health, seasonal produce, ecosystems and sustainability. I personally would like to learn more about Indigenous plants, especially Bush Tucker and hope to include a native edible garden in our garden space for our students to learn about and appreciate. Thank you to PlantingSeeds for sparking an interest in native plants and pollinators, not only for our students, but for me as well!
CSIRO’s Atlas of Living Australia
The Planting Seeds Projects foster environmental sustainability and biodiversity in the peri-urban and urban environment. Planting Seeds aims to protect and enhance the natural environment by engaging people in urban and peri-urban settings to plant and augment native vegetation that supports endangered pollinators, sustainability and biodiversity. Their flagship project, the B&B Highway aims to create habitat, record biodiversity and encourage sustainability within regenerated ecosystems.
As such, there is good alignment between the goals and vision of both the ALA and Planting Seeds as we work towards improved environmental outcomes in Australia. The ALA is pleased to be a part of the expanding B&B Highway Program as it develops its citizen science initiatives. We have been supporting the Program through provision of best practice advice, communication and promotion, and ensuring all data collected by the Program is accessible via the ALA through our partnership with iNaturalist.

City of Whittlesea Council
The City of Whittlesea engaged with the PlantingSeeds Projects organisation to implement the B&B Highway project in 2021.
The implementation of the B&B Highway education sessions and practical applications was very successful with participating schools such as Mill Park Heights and St Monica’s. The educational and practical program is backed by solid research, effective management and highly skilled staff.
Judy, Nicole, Tyler and the team were able to deliver highly professional and informative sessions and the practical applications with the students such as plantings, habitat construction and citizen science were enthusiastically appreciated by the students.
The project is highly applicable to the ResourceSmart Biodiversity components and the schools were able to fulfil many of the environmental and sustainability objectives they aim for.
Beauty Point Public School
The B&B Highway program made a fantastic connection for students. We thought the program was highly effective and a valuable learning experience for the students. I think it is an essential program to connect urban dwellers to their natural world and have them assess their personal choices and contributions.
Providing B&Bs ensures there will be sanctuaries in every town. Educating to be aware of the biodiversity issue and encouraging understandings and care makes people more likely to value and protect biodiversity.
Kegworth Public School
By introducing the students to natural environments through the B&B Highway, it feels as though we are participating in genuine and important research as well as supporting fundamental ecosystems in our grounds. In turn, this benefits the community.
St Monica’s School
The B&B Highway project was due to start at our school in Melbourne just as we went into lockdown number 6. However Judy, Nicole and the team were still able to deliver fabulous and engaging sessions remotely. A theory session was delivered through Zoom and students were introduced to a variety of different pollinators that exist. Specific links were made to the area of Melbourne we are in.
Students were then set a practical task of going outside and investigating what pollinators exist in their own back yard. This project is really encouraging our Year 11 VCAL students to apply what they are learning in the classroom in the great outdoors.