You know you have made it when there is a global day named after you. So bees should be happy with the annual World Bee Day that falls on May 20th around the world.
PlantingSeeds is also appreciative of the fact that the NSW Department of Education focused on our B&B Highway initiative for World Bee Day with a special video produced on our contributions and reach. With comments from kids and a special interview with our founder, Dr Judy Friedlander we recommend you watch it here.
We, at PlantingSeeds Projects, are often known for bees and our B&B Highway is testament to that. But bees are part of the story. We honour bees for the buzz they attract and the attention they give to biodiversity.
Students – and adults – are always amazed at the fact that there are around 2,000 Australian native bees. Our focus on the Tetragonula carbonaria and the Blue-banded bees serves to open eyes to all the important bees, butterflies, flies – and birds, bats and more – that pollinate our plants including food and medicinal crops. The Tetragonula carbonaria bee is one of about 11 social species of bees in Australia that live in hives and make honey. The other 2,000 or so – like Blue-banded bees – are solitary and live in the ground, or in sticks, twigs and bark. But while ‘solitary’, they pack a punch for biodiversity and also help with vital pollination.
Bees come in all shapes and sizes. They are part of the ‘third party’ who ensure that plants’ pollen is delivered to a suitable partner. Animal-based pollinators contribute to approximately 30 per cent of global food production, with bee-pollinated crops contributing to about one-third of the total human dietary supply.
If you are a school or organisation that would like to learn more about bees and biodiversity (as well as the other B’s!) get in touch here.