The Bee Squad: Boosting biodiversity in your neighbourhood
Due for February 1st release and available for a 20% discount pre-order, Dr Judy Friedlander, PlantingSeeds' founder and CEO's new book gives children (and their parents) the tools and ideas they need to take charge.
The Bee Squad is a fun, informative and practical guide to help kids boost biodiversity in their own backyards. Judy was recently interviewed on ABC Drive with Costa Georgiadis about The Bee Squad and you can listen below. Costa describes the book as a must for ‘your library of life’.
Full of exciting adventures, tips and projects, The Bee Squad will empower all kids (and their adults) across the country with the know-how to roll up their sleeves and do their bit to improve and sustain their local environment. It is a jam-packed resource to help children everywhere join the growing movement of young biodiversity champions.
The Bee Squad helps kids take part in exciting projects that help our threatened species, teaching them to:
- put together a nature sleuth toolkit
- identify pollinators
- plan and design gardens to attract pollinators
- use a tally sheet to record your flora and fauna sightings
- follow tips to ace your wildlife photography
Woven throughout the book are fantastic and inspiring stories of Aussie kids making a huge difference to their local environment, reinforcing the central message that you don’t need to live near a national park or protected area to get involved. You can do your bit from your balcony, backyard, local park or school. And lots of ‘bits’ make a big difference.
The book is inspired by PlantingSeeds’ B&B Highway educational and practical program which aims to help children overcome rising eco-anxiety and which has enabled the participation of children at hundreds of schools around the country. PlantingSeeds and its flagship program B&B Highway received one of the inaugural Australian Geographic Awards for Nature in October 2024.
RRP AUD $27.99
1 February 2025
ISBN 9781742238227