We know about the very hungry caterpillar who goes through a beautiful transformation after munching through a garden deli of delights. But do we know about the many other insect species that undergo this process of metamorphosis? In fact, more than 80 per cent of insect species and possibly around 60 per cent of all […]
Here in Australia, our native flora offers a chance to reconnect with Country, culture, and biodiversity. And many native plants are also used for culinary purposes and are described as bush tucker or bush foods. Whether in a school, home or workplace, creating a bush tucker garden is a fun, interactive way to learn. An […]
Self, wind and water pollination: The Hidden World of Autogamy, Anemophily, and Hydrophily Conversations on pollination are almost always centred around bees, birds, or butterflies, but what about less common forms of pollination? Did you know that there are self-pollinating plants? Or that wind and water can be pollinators too? About 10 to 15 per […]
Enriching our programs and impact, PlantingSeeds welcomes our new multi-award winning Artist-in-Residence Elyssa-Sykes Smith. Elyssa is an interprofessional artist working across sculpture, installation, performance, socially-engaged projects, education, and health research. With an upcoming sculpture at Sydney’s prestigious Sculpture by the Sea, Bondi, Elyssa is in demand and those who experience and engage with her PlantingSeeds’ works […]
Bees and buzzing are common bed-fellows but only a select few species of bees are buzz pollinators. And studies reveal that the buzzing reverberating nature of buzz pollinators is integral to the reproduction of native plants and in some cases, food plants. Australian buzz pollinators have also been found to have special abilities and lead […]
Draft 3Verses the Varroa In June 2022, the arrival of a tiny mite in Australia marked a pivotal moment for the nation’s honey bee producers. The Varroa destructor mite, present in every other country except Australia until then, was detected in New South Wales, sparking concerns among farmers and beekeepers nationwide. Understanding the Threat The […]